

AirDAO Сonstitution

15 min read


AirDAO is a community of DAO governance professionals committed to promoting transparency, collaboration, and innovation in the decentralized finance ecosystem. Our mission is to create an inclusive environment where every participant can contribute and influence the decisions made within AirDAO.

AirDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that aims to support and develop a decentralized, stable, and inclusive layer-one blockchain: the AirDAO blockchain, its ecosystem of dApps, and its native token, AMB.

AirDAO relies on an engaged, diverse, and dynamic community that shares its vision and values.

AirDAO Constitution is the founding document that sets out the rules and principles that govern the operation and governance of AirDAO. Its objectives are to:

  • Define the mission, vision, and values of AirDAO, as well as the objectives and principles of the constitution.
  • Define key terms used in the constitution, such as DAO, member, token, proposal, vote, etc.
  • Describe the organizational structure of AirDAO, including the roles, responsibilities, and powers of different bodies, such as the Council, committees, working groups, etc.
  • Describe the AirDAO decision-making process, including mechanisms for proposing, deliberating, voting, executing, and contesting decisions.
  • Describe relationships with AirDAO’s stakeholders, including developers, partners, regulators, competitors, etc.
  • Describe AirDAO 's social and environmental responsibility, including commitments, standards, and performance indicators regarding sustainability, ethics, diversity, etc.
  • Describe the information dissemination and transparency of AirDAO, including the rules of communication, disclosure, verification, and data protection.
  • Describe the review and amendment of the AirDAO Constitution, including the conditions, procedures, and effects of the amendments.

The constitution of AirDAO is based on the following principles:

  • Democracy: AirDAO recognizes each member's right to participate in decisions that affect the DAO and to express their opinions and votes freely and fairly.
  • Decentralization: AirDAO respects the autonomy and sovereignty of each member and avoids the concentration of power and influence in the hands of a minority.
  • Transparency: AirDAO ensures the dissemination and accessibility of relevant and verifiable information on the operation and governance of the DAO and encourages trust and collaboration between members.
  • Accountability: AirDAO requires each member to act responsibly and ethically and be accountable for their actions and consequences for the DAO and its stakeholders.
  • Innovation: AirDAO promotes creativity and experimentation and continually seeks to improve its services and performance, adapting to market needs and opportunities.

Our vision is to become a benchmark in decentralized governance, emphasizing the autonomy of stakeholders and collective decision-making. We strongly believe in democracy, fairness, and accountability, and we integrate them into every aspect of our project.

AirDAO's core values include openness, trust, innovation, and inclusion. Transparency and open communication are essential to building trust among our community members. We also encourage innovation and experimentation while ensuring that no one is left behind in our approach.

This constitution defines our short & long-term objectives and our guiding principles. We’re committed to upholding these principles in all our activities and evaluating them regularly to ensure they align with our mission and vision.


This section defines key terms used in this document as follows :

  • DAO: is an acronym for Decentralized Autonomous Organization. A DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization managed by pre-established rules and executed by smart contracts on a blockchain.
  • Member: An AirDAO member is a person who is committed to actively contributing to the activities of the community.
  • Governor: A Governor is a DAO member who actively contributes to the governance, hence they take up the responsibility of registering as the voter and proposer and is committed to the decision-making process.

The difference between a member and a governor. 
Member: active and participates in community activities.
Governor: contributes to DAO governance.

  • AMB: AirDAO’s native token, representing a unit of value or ownership within AirDAO. AMB holders can benefit from holding tokens.
  • SBT: A non-fungible token linked to its holder’s wallet address that cannot be transferred. AirDAO SBTs guarantee the right of its members to govern and represent their individual impact-based voting power.
  • Proposal: A proposal is a suggestion or idea submitted by an AirDAO governor to make changes, make decisions, or initiate new activities within the community.
  • Voting: A vote is a process by which AirDAO governors express their opinions on a proposal. Governors can use their votes to make collective decisions and influence the project's direction.
  • Smart contract: A computer program that automatically executes actions and transactions defined by the constitution without human intervention or trusted third parties. The smart contract is deployed and recorded on the AirDAO blockchain, guaranteeing its security, transparency, and immutability.
  • Referendum: Referendum is the voting for changes to the Constitution and the DAO institutional structure.

Organizational Structure

Article I. Institutional Structure of the DAO

AirDAO's organizational structure is designed to foster active member participation and enable decentralized governance. Here are the different bodies and their roles within AirDAO:

1. Council: The supreme body of AirDAO, representing the DAO members' interests and defining the strategy and vision of AirDAO. The Council comprises nine individuals elected by the community for a three-year term. Five candidates are nominated from and by the community, and four candidates are nominated by the operations team. The Council members have the authority to propose, vote on, and execute major decisions regarding the operation, governance, services, finances, or any other aspects of AirDAO. The Council members may also create, dissolve, or modify committees and working groups and appoint or dismiss their members.

The Council’s operations and internal rules are regulated by the Council Charter. 

It is to be provided that the control and decision-making process of the Council members is based on the consensus rule, which provides that 75% or 7/9 of votes in favor of the decision must pass for the decision to be adopted and put into effect. 

The Council shall also operate as AirDAO’s treasury and operations fundkeeper. Therefore, all the DAO funds are locked in multisig vaults controlled by the 9 Council members’ wallet addresses. All transactions require 7/9 signatures to be executed.

2. Committees: The committee is a group of members, spearheaded by an individual who is specifically chosen by the Council and who specializes in project management or has a similar background, shall head the operations of various functions such as technical functions, marketing functions, operations, and management functions. The project manager, or lead, is responsible for the following:

  • Formation of the project’s organizational charts.
  • Acquisition of functionals or team members with the required expertise. 
  • Interviews, selection, appointments, and training (where necessary) of the candidates who meet the speculated criteria. 
  • Tracking tasks to ensure alignment with AirDAO’s goals, missions, and visions, as well as the assigned time frame.
  • Meetings with team heads weekly or biweekly for progress reports. Any other task as assigned by the Council members.

3. Working Groups: These are temporary bodies that carry out specific AirDAO tasks or projects, such as creating a new service, organizing an event, solving a problem, etc. Working groups are composed of 2 - 50 members appointed by the Council members, specific project leads, or by a committee for the duration of the project. They have the authority to propose, vote on, and execute operational decisions regarding their task or project. They can also use resources or tools available on the AirDAO platform, and each working group would have their budgets approved by the Council depending on the volume of activities and the need for the manpower necessary to reach the set goal.

4. Teams: These are contractually involved members conducting day-to-day activities to service the needs of AirDAO and ensure its sustainability. Teams maintain particular functions and are formed based on the needs of the DAO. Members are hired by the Operations manager and/or by the team manager to carry out specific tasks and reach common team goals.

The AirDAO Constitution determines the responsibilities and powers of each body. They are designed to guarantee fair participation and encourage collective decision-making.


Article II. Governance Participation

 This section describes the AirDAO governance model, the role of the AirDAO governor, the criteria for becoming a governor, and the governor registration process.

  1. AirDAO's main governance objective is to transform AirDAO into a community-led organization, guaranteeing voting rights and power to all DAO participants.
  2. Community members will have full access to smart contract-based voting tools and governance tokens to exercise their voting rights. The anticipated governance system will be bespoke,  meeting all the needs of AirDAO and the ecosystem, ensuring a fair and transparent decision-making process.
  3. AirDAO's governance model is impact-based, with community members having voting power in proportion to their contribution to the ecosystem and their impact.
  4. AirDAO's intelligent governance is based on two key principles:
    - Once verified DAO member = one vote
    - One vote = variable voting power based on impact
  5. The individual impact-based voting power of AirDAO governors will be represented by their Soul Bound Tokens (SBT).
  6. The SBT is a non-fungible token that is permanently linked to a particular portfolio or individual and cannot be transferred or sold to others.
  7. The AirDAO Governor SBT is the first soul-bound token acquired by each registered AirDAO Governor. It indicates that the holder is a verified person with the right to govern in AirDAO.
  8. AirDAO uses Fractal ID, the Web3 identity solutions provider, to create decentralized identifiers (DIDs) for governors so that their identities can be verified. The aim is to verify the wallet address linked to the unique individual without the need for them to reveal identities and for AirDAO to collect their personal data or real identity.
  9. The AirDAO Governor's SBT will be issued based on facial recognition being the member's biometric data verified by the provider. The member may remain anonymous, provided that the uniqueness of the user is verified.
  10. Each AirDAO governor can acquire the collection of impact-based SBTs, giving them individual cumulative voting power.
  11. The voting power of each AirDAO governor will be shaped by their activities and achievements within the DAO and the functioning of the ecosystem.

The greater the member's impact on the ecosystem and its development, the more powerful is their position as governor in the decision-making process.

Article III. Governors incipience terms

1. Completion of Facial verification is mandatory for the Governor’s onboarding.

This will ensure fair governance terms for all community members, providing a governor to be represented by one unique account with individual voting power.

2. Governors must accept terms and conditions to abide by the AirDAO specific code of ethics and governance.

Enforcing an agreement promotes responsible and accountable leadership within AirDAO by ensuring governors' adherence to defined governance standards and commitment to ethical behavior. This preserves the integrity of decision-making procedures and keeps the community united and compliant with the DAO's moral guidelines.

3. Each Governor is limited to one account only in the AirDAO ecosystem with any violation subject to account suspension.

This protects the integrity and equity of AirDAO's governance structure by avoiding any abuses including voting system manipulation and attempts to obtain undue influence. By limiting each Governor to a single account, the DAO's democratic values are upheld and trust is fostered through equal representation, openness, and authenticity in decision-making processes. The AirDAO ecosystem's general reputation is safeguarded and fraudulent behaviors are discouraged by the imposition of sanctions for violations, such as account suspension.

Implementing these onboarding criteria contributes to creating an inclusive, transparent, and engaging governance structure within AirDAO, ensuring that governors are well-equipped to actively participate and contribute to the ecosystem's success.

Article IV. Decision-making Process

This section describes AirDAO's decision-making process, detailing the mechanisms for proposing, deliberating, voting, executing, and contesting decisions.

1. Proposal

The AirDAO governor can submit a proposal using the dedicated platform. The proposal must be clear, concise, and relevant to AirDAO's goals and values. Once submitted, the proposal is reviewed by governors and can be discussed in dedicated meetings or forums.

2. Deliberation

Deliberation is a process of discussion and evaluation of the submitted proposal. Members and governors are encouraged to express their opinions, ask questions, and provide arguments for or against the proposal. The deliberation can occur online, during virtual meetings, or at specific events.

3. Vote

After the deliberation period, a vote is held to decide on the proposal. Each governor has the right to vote and can express their choice in favor or against the proposal. The Governance platform provides fully transparent voting, meaning all votes will be visible online and in blockchain. The AirDAO Governor should be registered on the platform, he or she can stay anonymous only by the details they provide about themselves, but their registered wallet address will be visible to all.

4. Execution

If a proposal is approved by a majority of votes, it is implemented and executed following the provisions of the AirDAO Constitution. The implementing bodies are responsible for taking the necessary measures to implement the proposal and for monitoring its execution.

AirDAO's decision-making process is designed to ensure the fair and transparent participation of all members. It promotes collective decision-making aligned with the objectives and values of the community.

Article V. The Revision and Amendment of the Constitution of AirDAO

The review and amendment of the AirDAO Constitution aims to:

  1. Identify and analyze needs and opportunities for the constitutional amendment, considering feedback, suggestions, good practices, and innovations from members, stakeholders, and the general public.
  2. Propose and submit amendments to the Constitution, respecting the rules and procedures of AirDAO's decision-making process and justifying the reasons and objectives of the amendments.
  3. Vote and approve amendments to the Constitution, following the rules and procedures of AirDAO's decision-making process and evaluating the pros and cons of the amendments.
  4. Execute and register amendments to the Constitution, respecting the rules and procedures of the AirDAO decision-making process and updating smart contracts and DAO documents.
  5. Communicate and inform members, stakeholders, and the general public about amendments to the Constitution, using appropriate channels and tools and explaining the reasons and consequences of the amendments.

ARTICLE VI. Council Members Tenure

Council members of AirDAO shall serve a standard tenure of three years. This ensures that the council members have adequate time to carry out their set goals and objectives.

1. Performance Appraisal and Community Review

  • After the initial one-year period, an annual community-wide performance appraisal will be conducted.
  • During the performance appraisal, community members will be invited to provide feedback on specific areas of concern regarding the Council's performance.

2. Grace Period and Internal Evaluation

  • Following the community review, a six-month grace period will be granted to the Council for introspection and corrective actions.
  • The Council will identify any defaulting member and provide necessary guidance to boost their performance. If issues stem from the actions of other Council members, a thorough discussion and remedial actions will be taken.

3. Removal and Re-election

  • If, after the grace period, community sentiment remains unsatisfactory, a community vote will be held to decide the removal of the offending Council member.
  • In the event of removal, a new election shall be conducted to fill the vacant position. However, the new member's tenure will align with the original Council's three-year term.

4. Post-Tenure Candidacy

  • Upon completion of the three-year tenure, any active member meeting the set criteria is eligible to contest for a Council position.

5. Community Empowerment for Ultimate Governance

To ensure ultimate power remains with the community, the following actions will be taken:

  • Regular town hall meetings will be conducted for open discussions on the progress of ecosystem development and governance, fostering transparency and inclusivity.
  • Periodic community-wide votes on major decisions, ensuring collective decision-making and reinforcing decentralization.
  • Periodic community-wide reviews of the Council’s activities and achieved results, ensuring efficient feedback-sharing and performance appraisal.

Article VII. Relations with Stakeholders

AirDAO stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, partners, regulators, competitors, etc.

1. Clients

AirDAO considers its users and members its most important clients. We are committed to providing quality services and meeting the needs and expectations of our clients. We encourage open and transparent dialogue with our clients to understand their needs and ensure that our services meet their expectations.

2. Suppliers

AirDAO works with suppliers and service providers to support its organisation and acquire technical solutions. We seek to establish mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers, based on trust, transparency, and mutual respect. We select our suppliers carefully and expect them to respect our values and ethical standards.

3. Partners

AirDAO collaborates with strategic partners to strengthen its ecosystem and develop new opportunities. We seek partners who share our values and vision, and who are willing to work collaboratively to achieve common goals. We believe in the importance of partnerships to create a positive impact and drive innovation in the decentralized finance ecosystem.

4. Regulators

AirDAO recognizes the importance of complying with applicable regulations and laws. We work closely with regulators to ensure our operations comply with governance and security standards and requirements. We seek to maintain transparent and constructive relationships with regulators, to foster a regulatory environment favorable to innovation and the growth of decentralized finance.

5. Competitors

AirDAO recognizes the existence of competitors in the decentralized finance ecosystem. We view competition as an opportunity to progress and improve our services. We respect our competitors and are committed to acting ethically and responsibly in our dealings with them. We believe in collaboration and cooperation with industry players to drive innovation and drive sustainable growth in decentralized finance.

AirDAO is committed to establishing and maintaining positive and constructive relationships with all stakeholders. We believe in the importance of transparency, open communication, and collaboration to create an inclusive, responsible, and innovative decentralized finance ecosystem.

Article VIII. Social and Environmental Responsibility

AirDAO recognizes the importance of social and environmental responsibility in its activities. We are committed to adopting sustainable, ethical, and inclusive practices to contribute positively to society and the environment. This section describes our commitments, standards, and performance indicators regarding sustainability, ethics, diversity, etc.

1. Sustainability

We are committed to minimizing our impact on the environment by implementing sustainability measures in our operations. This includes reducing our energy consumption, using renewable energy sources, responsible waste management, promoting environmentally friendly practices, and raising awareness of sustainability among our members and partners.

2. Ethics

We attach great importance to ethics in all our activities. We are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards and promoting integrity, transparency, and accountability. This includes respect for human rights, fairness, honesty, fighting corruption, and respecting applicable laws and regulations.

3. Diversity

We value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment where all people are respected and valued. We promote equal opportunities, diversity of perspectives, and inclusion in all our activities. We believe that diversity promotes innovation, creativity, and informed decision-making.

4. Performance indicators

We regularly assess our social and environmental responsibilities using key indicators. This allows us to measure our progress, identify areas for improvement, and report on our actions to our members and stakeholders. We are committed to being transparent and accountable in our communication about our performance.

AirDAO is committed to fulfilling its social and environmental responsibilities and contributing positively to society and the environment. We will continue to evaluate and improve our practices to achieve our sustainability, ethics, diversity, and social responsibility goals.

Article IX. Distribution of Information

The dissemination of information and the transparency of AirDAO aims to:

  1. Inform and raise awareness among members, stakeholders, and the general public about AirDAO's mission, vision, values, services, projects, results, and challenges.
  2. Foster trust, collaboration, and participation of members, stakeholders, and the general public within the AirDAO community. Strengthen the credibility, legitimacy, and accountability of AirDAO, by reporting on its actions and their consequences on society and the environment.
  3. Improve the quality, performance, and innovation of AirDAO, by collecting and analyzing feedback, suggestions, and best practices from members, stakeholders, and the general public.