
Tokenomic updated on
15 Nov 2023

Node owners, AMB holders, and Partners, please note: An important update will be activated in two parts, with the first part going live on November 15, 2023.

Block number: 27690000

Learn more about updates

Our tokenomics update will unfold in two key phases: Phase 1 (November 15, 2023) will introduce adjustments to Apollo nodes, improve node interaction processes, set a hard cap on total supply, and more. Phase 2 (December 2023) will conduct dynamic rewards tied to network size, introduce rewards for block validation in multiple coins, and additional enhancements. You can find more details below.


Hard cap on AMB total supply

The AMB token supply is now capped at 6.5 billion, and future blocks won't generate new AMB tokens. Block rewards will be distributed via dedicated smart contracts containing node rewards.

TOP List of Apollo nodes

Only the top 150 nodes can generate new blocks and receive block rewards. The criteria for making it into the top list are twofold — the size of the nodes stake and a predetermined limit on eligible nodes. We haven’t set a static limit for the top list; it’s changeable through our MultiSig, ensuring the flexibility our dynamic ecosystem requires

The queue for node enabling

We’re implementing a queue system for nodes that don’t make it into the top list. Nodes whose stake size is smaller than the other nodes are placed into the queue. These nodes can advance if they increase their stake or the top list nodes reduce their stake size — let the node wars begin!

Withdrawal delay for Apollo nodes

We’re introducing a withdrawal delay for Apollo (validator) nodes. The 15-day delay adds a layer of stability to our network and bulletproofs network security by preventing sudden changes in the number of active nodes. The AirDAO Staking service (airdao.io/staking) won’t have a withdrawal delay.

Dynamic network block rewards

Stage two of the tokenomics upgrade will bring dynamic block rewards that incentivize node owners and reward them for their dedicated service.

Block rewards in AMB and BOND token

We’ll upgrade the AirBond marketplace and increase its functionality with block rewards paid in AMB and BOND tokens.